Thursday, January 28, 2016

Eat 22% Fewer Calories with This Simple Trick

Forget the fad diets and quit the calorie counting this year. Want to learn a super-simple tip for shredding pounds? Serve meals on small plates. Yes, it’s really that easy. Smaller plates mean smaller servings. And in this age of super-size this and all-you-can-eat that, keeping food portions in check is more important than ever. According to the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, the champions of, people tend to serve themselves in proportion to the plate they are given. Through studies, the group found that reducing plate size resulted in approximately 22% fewer calories served, as the smaller plate made the serving they received seem more filling. Ready to banish those big plates and join the movement for better health? Here are a few tips to get you started… Switch your 12-inch plate to a 10-inch plate. Save those larger plates for special occasions and holidays. Your 10-inch plates will suffice nicely for everyday suppers. Keep them on a shelf that’s easy to get to until you get used to using them. Corelle® dinnerware makes it easy—many of their dinnerware sets, such as the CORELLE® SQUARE™ PURE WHITE 16-PC DINNERWARE SET, include 10.25-inch dinner plates. Make smart choices. You should still be mindful about the foods you choose to eat. Just because a piece of cake is served on a small plate doesn’t mean it has fewer calories. Opt for lean proteins—chicken, turkey, fish—and lots of fresh vegetables and wholesome grains. A dish pattern like the one on the CORELLE® BOUTIQUE™ BRUSHED 16-PC. DINNERWARE SET, GREEN makes it easy to remember that fresh food is the best food. Don’t include more than two items on a plate. Everyone likes variety, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Instead of making several individual side dishes, opt for recipes that combine veggies and grains or fruit and greens. Serve alongside a lean protein choice that’s dressed up with fresh herbs. Make your plate as colorful as possible. As they say, you eat with your eyes. And because your serving sizes are smaller and your variety more limited, it’s important to build a plate that tells your brain you are about to dig into something good and satiating. Plus, colorful foods tend to be the most healthful ones. Broccoli, blueberries, tomatoes, kale and winter squash are all brightly hued superfoods that will get you super slim in no time. Colorful food looks great when served on the blank canvas of a snow-white plate. Present dinner like the pros do on a CORELLE® LIVINGWARE™ WINTER FROST WHITE 10.25″ PLATE. Don’t go back for seconds (or thirds). Don’t let your new good habit of eating on a smaller plate be for naught by going back for more. Remember, this is all about portion control. Wait 20 minutes after you’re done eating—this is how long it takes your brain to register that you are satiated—to determine if you need more. If you are truly hungry after that time has passed, opt for more veggies. Eat slower by using chopsticks. Studies have shown that you may consume fewer calories over the course of a meal when you eat slowly. For those who aren’t used to using chopsticks, this is a great way to slow down how quickly you consume your dinner. Other tips: Take smaller bites, chew slower and use a smaller fork or spoon. Simple changes can create big results. If you’re looking for a simple way to save on calories this month, tuck away those big plates and try the Small Plate Movement on for size. It may be just the thing you need to meet your healthy resolutions in a huge way.

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