1. Avoid doing tomorrow what you ought to do today Do it tata, echi might be too late
2. Avoid saying “I can’t” You’re both what you think and what you say
3. Avoid comparing yourself to others You better than some; & some better than you
4. Avoid trying to live up to the expectations of others No, Baby, just do ya “thang”
5. Avoid spending your life on a dead-end career You aren’t too old to try something new
6. Avoid being more than you really are Are your hands long enough to box with God?
7. Avoid cheating on your spouse Corner-corner no good-oo. Shame on you
8. Avoid avoiding change Expect & embrace change, opportunities come with change
9. Avoid saying “I’m not ready” When will you be ready? When you die?
10. Avoid trying to do everything by yourself Bill Gates didn’t make his billions by himself
11. Avoid trying to avoid mistakes Thomas Edison made many mistakes b/4 light came
12. Avoid being jealous or envious Imitate the bastard that makes you green
13. Avoid coveting what belongs to another Get yours, man, or get out of my face
14. Avoid holding grudges Don’t drink the poison meant for someone else
15. Avoid expecting life to be “fair” All is fair in love and war; Try work at the County Fair?
16. Avoid trying to be perfect If you think you are God, go sit in dirt
17. Avoid buying things you don’t need Go ahead and junk up your house, Ms. Big Stuff
18. Avoid trying to control everybody and everything You can’t even control a newborn
19. Avoid setting low or easy goals Nwannem, shoot for the moon, you may land on a star
20. Avoid keeping away from physical exercise Take a long walk, or dance at Igbo Union
21. Avoid being overweight (obese) You wanna be akpa agbu or akpa nsi? Heeeeee
22. Avoid trying to be everything to everybody Are you bisexual? AC-DC?
23. Avoid putting others’ needs ahead of yours You’ll regret & not be appreciated
24. Avoid trying to fit in Fit in to what? Go fit in yourself. You can’t doo-doo for me
25. Avoid waiting for the “best time”This time, like all times, is the only best time
26. Avoid making promises you can’t keep Say what you mean , and mean what you say
27. Avoid lying Liars are not believed even when they say the truth
28. Avoid filling every waking hour with “what to do” Make time to rest, think & recharge
29. Avoid leaving family responsibilities for your spouse or others Are they your servants?
30. Avoid being a talebearer or gossipmonger My friend, Keep your spoon in your soup
31. Avoid driving on Easy-Life Street Easy Street leads to Dead End cul-de-sac
32. Avoid making excuses Make excuses until you run out and then make some more
33. Avoid embezzling or stealing what belongs to others Hey, Onyeoshi, Abali Di Egwu
34. Avoid dwelling on the past Get out Ancient Greece and move to New York
35. Avoid worrying about the future Don’t you know Amechi takes care of herself?
36. Avoid taking life too serious Use honey, not vinegar, to catch the fly
37. Avoid doing too many things at one time Take a little bite and chew very well
38. Avoid doubting God I know Onyekachi, Maduabuchi, and Ibeabuchi
39. Avoid doubting yourself or others Solve it with Benefit-of-the-doubt formula
40. Avoid being too shy Please jump start your self-esteem with Self-Talk 101
41. Avoid giving up Give up and die?
42. Avoid complaining I am not your Mom
43. Avoid excessive alcoholic beverages Don’t rob yourself of a chance to experience life
44. Avoid indulging in illicit recreational drugs Come on, fry your brains; it is all yours
45. Avoid hoarding millions of Naira while neighbors starve Is your face on the currency?
46. Avoid witchcraft and human sacrifice What a lazy man’s way of wishful thinking
47. Avoid making mountains out of mole hills Cry Baby, my shoulders are not for rent
48. Avoid feeling you are entitled to anything in the world The world owes you nothing
49. Avoid blaming others for your mistakes Come on, blame it on me and feel better
50. Avoid discriminating among your Igbo brethren Hey.You might miss an angel