Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Spam mails also known as "bulk" are unsolicited e-mail are unsolicited e-mail messahes sent to numerous recipients.

Besides cluttering one`s mail boxes, they could also be dangerous. Some are even fraudulent in that they steal computer/network information.

Interestingly, spam is something that can be very easily avoided/controlled using the following guidelines:

1. Be careful when entering your address. When some sites ask for your e-mails, you should be absolutely certain that the site is a safe one before providing it.

2. Don`t expose your address or release your address recklessly in a discussion forum. Addresses posted in a public location like open discussion forum are easily accessed by spammers.
3. If you receive a lot of mail advertisement, just un-subscribe from them. The way you do it is to click on the "unsubscribe" link in the mail. Most of the time, this link is written in tiny characters and not made obvious. Look out for it.
4. If you`re under attack from anonymous solicitation, set your spam filter to block the sender`s addresses and make sure you report as spam and/ or move those mails to the spam folder.
  • Highlight the Mail
  • Click Action Menu
  • Select Junk E-mail
  • Select Add sender to blocked sender list
Stay Safe by Staying Alert!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009



In the midst of ecstatic jubilation lies an air of grave uncertainty. Therefore, do not live in mad excitement of this present moment, try to foresee the future. If you don’t appreciate. You will always have everything you want in life if you will help enough other people get what they want. Find a way of making others happy and successful. People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be.

There are three things that are more abundant in living

v Caring about others

v Daring for others and

v Sharing with others

There are two types of people in the world: Those who come into a room and say “Here I am!” and those who come in and say, “Ah there you are!” if you cannot win make the one ahead of you break the record.

“Jan Mckeithen”.

INVEST IN OTHERS: It pays a great dividend. Wise men are prepared by reason, men of understanding by experience, the most ignorant by necessity and beast by nature.

FACE YOUR FEARS: Because what you keep running away from keeps running after you. Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others, because the silence of a night hears louder than the light of the day. So my dear think right, act right, it is what you think and do that makes you who you are.

DON`T WORRIES ABOUT ANYTHING: Instead, pray about everything, tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answer. I f you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.



In the midst of ecstatic jubilation lies an air of grave uncertainty. Therefore, do not live in mad excitement of this present moment, try to foresee the future. If you don’t appreciate. You will always have everything you want in life if you will help enough other people get what they want. Find a way of making others happy and successful. People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be.

There are three things that are more abundant in living

v Caring about others

v Daring for others and

v Sharing with others

There are two types of people in the world: Those who come into a room and say “Here I am!” and those who come in and say, “Ah there you are!” if you cannot win make the one ahead of you break the record.

“Jan Mckeithen”.

INVEST IN OTHERS: It pays a great dividend. Wise men are prepared by reason, men of understanding by experience, the most ignorant by necessity and beast by nature.

FACE YOUR FEARS: Because what you keep running away from keeps running after you. Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others, because the silence of a night hears louder than the light of the day. So my dear think right, act right, it is what you think and do that makes you who you are.

DON`T WORRIES ABOUT ANYTHING: Instead, pray about everything, tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answer. I f you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.



A: Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits

B: Believe in yourself

C: Consider things from every angle

D: Don`t give up and don’t give in

E: Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come

F: Family and friends are hidden treasures, see them and enjoy their riches

G: Give more than you planned to

H: Hang onto your dreams

I: Ignore those who try to discourage you

J: Just do it

K: Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier

L: Love yourself first and most

M: Make it happen

N: Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal

O: Open your eyes and see things as the really are

P: Practice makes perfect

Q: Quitters never win and winners never quit

R: Read, study and learn about everything important in your life

S: Stop procrastinating

T: Take control of your own destiny

U: Understand yourself in order to better understand others

V: Visualize it

W: Want it more than anything

X: Xcellerate your efforts

Y: You are unique of all God’s creation. Nothing can replace you

Z: Zero in on your target and go for it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


A: Always be honest with your friend (s)

B: Be there when they need you

C: Cheer them on as they strive towards excellence

D: Don’t look for their faults

E: Encourage and edify them in the lord

F: Forgive them without nursing grudges

G: Get together often-to pray and do other things that will improve

Your general well-being

H: Have confidence in them

I: Include them on your prayer list

J: Just listen, even if you don’t have the solution to their problem

K: Know their dreams and aspirations

L: Love them unconditionally

M: Make them feel special

N: Never forget them

O: Offer to help them, without waiting to be asked

P: Praise them honestly

Q: Quietly disagree when necessary

R: Reject unproven rumours about them

S: Say you’re sorry, when they1re offended

T: Take time to know their likes and dislikes

U: Use good judgment

V: Vouch for them verify rumours

W: Wish them well

X: X-ray yourself first before counseling or correcting them

Y: Your words count, so measure them carefully

Z: Zip your mouth even when told a secret